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Advanced Care Planning

Have you been thinking about your advanced care plans? Not sure where to start or even what it means? I'm here to help. 

End of Life Planning

My goal is that my clients be surrounded by love and comfort as they cross over. We will work together to plan the best environment for your final days. Some things may be out of our control but that doesn't mean we can't make it meaningful and sacred. Do you have pets you would like by your side? Your favorite music playing? A lovely scent? Your special people? OR would you prefer to be alone? Are you open to going on a meditation journey to explore? I am open to any and all ideas that you have as long as we are both safe. This service would also include companionship and sitting vigil for you during the final phase. 


Grief Support

This is a very broad category as it includes your own grief support for anticipating what is to come as well as grief support for close family members as needed.

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